I have a small steno notepad that use I take notes on at work. The usual to-do lists are always present, but so are notes from research consultations with students. I always want to make sure I understand their needs and research areas, so I scribble away as I listen. Recently I went back and looked at my notes from these conversations, and am so happy that there is no cell-phone tapping equivalent for said notebook. If not, I’d be, like so many librarians, on some kind of federal watch list.
Notes include:
- race representation and legit*
- what makes a government legitimate? trustworthy?
- restorative justice
- acknowledge harm!!! who gets to speak?!?!?!
- terrorism and torture
- anti-choice legislation and TRAP laws
- who has a voice?
- police shootings (murder or brutality or excessive force) in the U.S.
- gun control and gun access
- sex work* and legal*
What’s the most intriguing research request you’ve received today?