Douglas, V.A. & Gadsby, J. (Eds.) (2020). Deconstructing service in libraries: intersections of identities and expectations. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press.


Douglas, V.A. (2020). Moving from critical assessment to assessment as care. Communications in Information Literacy. doi: 10.15760/comminfolit.2020.14.1.4

Douglas, V.A. & Gadsby, J. (2019). All carrots, no sticks: Relational practice and library instruction coordination. In the Library with the Lead Pipe.

Douglas, V.A., & Rabinowitz, C. E. (2016). Examining the relationship between faculty-librarian collaboration and first-year students’ information literacy abilities. College & Research Libraries, 77(2), 144-163. doi:10.5860/crl.77.2.144

Douglas, V.A. & Aultman Becker, A. (2015). Encouraging better graphic design in libraries: a creative commons crowdsourcing approach. Journal of Library Administration, 55(6), 459-472. doi:10.1080/01930826.2015.1054765

Douglas, V.A. & Helms, C. (2015). Adopting e-readers with a purpose: Surveying users to develop a recreational reading Kindle lending program. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 22 (1), 76-89.


Douglas, V.A. & Gadsby, J. (March 2017). Gendered labor and library instruction coordinators: the undervaluing of feminized work. In Proceedings of the 2017 Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Douglas, V.A. (2013). Students in the director’s chair: Leveraging student talent to create library videos and tutorials. In Proceedings of the Brick and Click Academic Libraries Symposium, Maryville, MO.


Douglas, V.A., Gao, W., Malone, A., & Fontenot, E. (forthcoming). Beyond the numbers:  Building a data information literacy program for undergraduate instruction. In J. Bauder (Ed.), Teaching Critical Thinking with Numbers: Data Literacy and the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Chicago: ALA Editions.

Creelman, K., Douglas, V.A., Malone, A., & Martin, L. (2020). Cultivating Liaison Leadership: Unblocking the Pipeline to Management. In R. Canuel & C. Crichton (Eds.), Approaches to Liaison Librarianship: Innovations in Organization & Engagement. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Douglas, V.A. (2020). University of Houston Instruction Program. In C.C. Gardner, E. Galoozis, & R. Halpern (Eds.), Hidden Architectures of Information Literacy Programs: Structures, Practices, and Contexts. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Douglas, V. A. (2018). From interpersonal to intersubjective: Relational theory and mutuality in reference. In K. Adler, I. Beilin, & E. Tewell (Eds.), Reference librarianship and justice: History, practice & praxis. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press.

Douglas, V.A. (2016). Assessing student learning and faculty-librarian collaboration with a mixed-methods approach. In E. Ackermann (Ed.), Putting assessment into action: Selected projects from the first cohort of the Assessment in Action grant. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Aultman Becker, A. & Douglas, V.A. (2016). Case study: Librarian Design Share. In Gordon, V.S. (Ed.), Marketing for academic and special libraries: A planning and best practices sourcebook. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield.

Coombs, K., Arellano, V., Bennett, M., Dasler, R. & Vacek, R. (2010). Piloting mobile services at the University of Houston Libraries. In M. Ally & G. Needham (Eds.), M-Libraries 2: A virtual library in everyone’s pocket (pp. 51-58). London, England: Facet Publishing.

Arellano, V. (2009). The sous chef takes center stage: Using experienced students to teach their classmates. In D. Cook & R. Sittler (Eds.), Library instruction cookbook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Arellano, V. (2009). Picking the right search ingredients: Brainstorming and evaluating keywords in an upper-level psychology course. In D. Cook & R. Sittler (Eds.), Library instruction cookbook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.


(2008-2013) Social Sciences Book Reviewer for Library Journal.

Arellano, V. (2010). A case for Zotero. Internet resources column. Public Services Quarterly, 6(4), 364-366.

Arellano, V. (2008). Internet resources column [Review of the social networking website Eventful]. Public Services Quarterly, 4(3) 233-246.

Arellano, V. (2008). Internet resources column [Review of the web-based software Basecamp]. Public Services Quarterly, 4(2), 138-140.


Regular contributor to ACRLog.org, the official blog of the Association of College & Research Libraries.

Douglas, V.A. (2018). Growth through relationship: From conversation to research project. The Librarian Parlor. 

Douglas, V.A. (2018). The state of connection. The Librarian’s Sabbatical.

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